Tag Archives: Peter Oldziey


Ep. #4: Building a Financial Advisor Business Plan that Aligns with Your Ideal Life with Peter Oldziey CFP®

Most financial advisors get into this business to create freedom and flexibility in their lives. The problem is, very few actually achieve that. Instead, they are tied to their business. The business owns them.  Can you relate to the pain of this unhealthy scenario? If so, how do you create a financial advisor business plan that is actually in alignment with the life you WANT to lead?

In this episode, Referral Coach Bill Cates, CSP, CPAE is joined by Peter Oldziey CFP®, of Peter A. Oldziey & Associates. Peter discusses his vision for his ideal life and business, and how he executed a business plan that created both.

Peter discusses: 

  • What triggered his decision to pursue his dream business and ideal life. 
  • How he homed in on providing unique client experiences.
  • How his financial advisor business plan evolved into being “by-referral-only.” 
  • Why and how he used different forms of accountability to ensure his success.


Connect With Bill Cates:

About Our Guest:

Early in Peter Oldziey’s CFP® education career he realized he was an entrepreneur at heart and embarked on a career as a financial advisor. Peter has had his own practice in Dover, Delaware since 1986. Along with building a flourishing practice, Peter has put a high premium on professional development earning the designations of Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) in 1990 and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certificant in 2000.