Tag Archives: Randy Carver


Ep. #11: How to Grow Your Business Without Prospecting With Randy Carver

Stop prospecting … and let your clients prospect for you! 

Creating great relationships with your clients who value the work you do and value you as a professional will open up the doors to many more in-segment clients.

In this episode, Bill Cates speaks with Randy Carver CRPC®, CDFA®, President and CEO at Carver Financial Services, Inc. Randy discusses how he and his team have brought in 25 new relationships along with $100 million in assets over the last three months without doing any prospecting.

Randy discusses: 

  • How he has found incredible growth in his business over the last few months
  • Why it’s important to differentiate yourself from other investment firms
  • How to get your clients to do the prospecting for you


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About Our Guest:

Randy Carver was born in New York City, grew up in Baltimore, Maryland, and spent his teen years in Toronto, Canada. As a teenager, Randy started and ran several successful businesses, including a catering firm and two home renovation companies. He attended Oberlin College where he earned his degree in economics. Upon graduating in 1987, Randy opened a branch office for a regional brokerage firm in Mentor, Ohio. The office became one of the company’s most successful within three years.