Tag Archives: Online Presence


Episode #49 LinkedIn for Financial Advisors: Insider Strategies for Getting Your Posts Seen with Richard Bliss

I’m willing to wager that you and your marketing team have no clue how the LinkedIn algorithm works.

And because of that, you are wasting precious resources (time and dollars) on posting content that hardly anyone sees. So, what are the best strategies on LinkedIn for financial advisors to get their posts seen?

LinkedIn has a different business model than most other social media platforms. Therefore, how you use LinkedIn for business growth requires a unique strategic approach. 

In this episode, Bill Cates interviews Richard Bliss, CEO of BlissPoint and Author of DigitalFirst Leadership. They explore 3 big topics around LinkedIn for financial advisors, designed to help you turn the social media platform into an effective business-building tool:

  1. How the LinkedIn algorithm works and how you can use this knowledge to your advantage for better results.
  2. How to expand your reach and enhance your credibility without having to make posts (therefore, saving you the headache of getting compliance to approve your content creation).
  3. A little-known strategy for reaching hard-to-reach prospects.

In this eye-opening session, Bill and Richard discuss: 

  • Why videos and clip art often work against you on LinkedIn while “real photos” of achievements or personal moments generate significantly more engagement.
  • The factors that determine the value of a post – from engagement metrics like Likes and Comments to the ever-important Dwell Time.
  • The power of a “commenting strategy” that engages with others’ content in a way that leads to new connections and meaningful conversations.
  • How to position yourself as a trusted authority on LinkedIn and increase your profile views exponentially.
  • The power of mentioning prospects in your posts and effectively addressing their pain points – leading them to engage with you in a conversation. 
  • The detrimental impact of “posting and ghosting,” and how engaging in conversations within the first hour of posting can boost your impressions by 30%. 
  • The fact that if you get 10 meaningful comments to one of your posts with the first hour, LinkedIn will guarantee 1,000 impressions. 
  • The most effective way to reach out to high-value prospects on LinkedIn for financial advisors to gain their attention, have them connect with you, and start a meaningful conversation.
  • … And so much more!



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About our guest:

Richard Bliss is the founder of BlissPoint Consulting, a social media consulting company that helps improve executives’ online communications and sales teams’ social selling behaviors. A LinkedIn Top Voices Influencer, experienced executive communications manager, and social media coach, Richard has helped thousands of people master social media tools and become fluent in social conversations.